What Is Aviation LOSA Management Software

This is a reference site for the Complete Aviation LOSA Solution, which is a complete solution to manage Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA) programs. A complete LOSA solution consists of:

NWDS produces Web-based aviation LOSA management software product developed specifically for the aviation industry.

NorthWest Data Solutions in Anchorage, Alaska supports the software portion of the "Complete Aviation LOSA Solution." Aviation safety professionals provide subject matter expertise to develop the LOSA software solution and to ensure enhancements offer value to our clients.

After receiving LOSA training, LOSA observers and managers have three highly data-intensive tasks:
1) Document 80-120 LOSA observations using approximately 50-70 elements;
2) Validate, cleanse and verify submitted LOSA observations; and
3) Generate meaningful statistical reports.

From the statistical reports, management can have better information to reduce risk and save money, while also proactively enhancing safety.

NWDS has teamed up qualified partners to help support your airline, maintenance, ramp, cabin or helicopter LOSA effort.


Our LOSA Software provides:

  • Best-in-class LOSA templates
  • Online LOSA observation data collection
  • Offline LOSA observation data collection
  • Data cleaning and validation tools
  • Real-time dashboard for quick view into the LOSA observation data
  • Incredibly responsive support from aviation safety software professionals
  • Professional training (added costs)
  • Final consultations to decipher the data (added cost)


The software component of the Complete Aviation LOSA Solution is an integrated web-based application that allows observers to collect data both:

  • Online; and
  • Offline.

This robust Web application runs on IPad, iPhone, Android devices or PC laptops. However, you must have a "modern" Web browser to collect LOSA observations.

This Aviation LOSA software provides many benefits, but the number one benefit is to save your company considerable time and money managing LOSA observation data.

Aviation LOSA Solution